Speaker Profile


Halle Nolen is a neurodiversity advocate from Tulsa, Oklahoma. She was diagnosed with moderate Autism and ADHD at the age of three. Through therapy and positive affirmations from her family, Halle developed her social skills and began to foster her personality. However, her diagnosis has not stopped her from a fulfilling life.

Halle attended college studying Art and Psychology. During this time, she helped counselors and others think beyond the misconceptions of autism, taking a look from the individual’s perspective. Halle believes that describing an individual by a leveling system gives a limited understanding of the person and hopes to provide tools to assist parents in more fully describing that person. Halle currently works at a nonprofit mental health facility as a secretary and will continue her education to provide support in the industry.  Outside of work, you can catch Halle drawing and spending time with her two Boston Terriers, Rocky and Bailey. 

What If I Have Questions?

Call us at 877-553-4332 or email us at [email protected] and we can answer any questions.