
Please note, speakers and/or sessions may change without notice. 

Friday, June 28

How does the Oklahoma State Department of Education utilize oversight for Special Education in compliance with IDEA? You’ll leave this session with valuable information from OSDE.

Join Decoding Dyslexia OK’s Michelle Keiper for an insightful session to break down the misunderstandings surrounding the struggle to learn to read and the systems of support in our schools. Together in this session parents and teachers will be empowered to identify the signs of dyslexia and effective resources, as well as, inspired to work together to develop effective literacy plans that meet the needs of all students, including those with dyslexia.

Sensory regulation forms the bedrock of self-regulation, influencing our emotions, behavior, attention, and even our relationships. By understanding the intricacies of sensory regulation, we can learn how to better care for our children or students amid a sensory-rich world. In this session, we will identify and discuss the functions of the eight sensory processing systems and highlight the importance of supporting sensory needs in the community.  We will conclude by targeting at least three sensory strategies to implement to support active involvement in an inclusive community.

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Terminología de Educación Especial

Es muy importante que podamos entender or comprender laspalabras que se usan en Educación Especial, porque tratan con la educacion de nuestros hijos. Sea en una carta, una conversación, o en el IEP, es esencial que comprendamos y participemos en el proceso de su educación. Esta session repasa los terminos que se usan y los define en Español lo más sencillo possible.


Special Education Terminology
It is very important that we are able to understand the terms used in Special Education, because they deal with our child’s education. Whether it is in a letter, a conversation or in an IEP, it is essential that we understand and participate in their educational process.
This session reviews the terms used and explains them in Spanish, as simply as possible.

The Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is used to guide development of a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) to increase pro-social behavior and decrease problem behavior. Understanding effective ways to de-escalate student behavior and support prosocial replacement behavior is a critical skill. Our responses to student behavior can serve to either escalate or de-escalate the student’s behavior. Adults are not always aware of how their own behavior may inadvertently escalate the behavior of a student they are trying to support, even as they do their best to ensure student safety and uphold classroom and school expectations. When adults use effective de-escalation techniques as a student’s behavior becomes more intense, they have a unique opportunity to prevent intense behavioral responses or other student behavior that causes harm to the student or others.

Individual Healthcare Plans (IHP) are written plans used in the school setting to communicate a student’s health condition and care/accommodations, making sure their healthcare needs are met and a detailed plan is in place daily and in case of an emergent situation.

Learn all about IHP’s and how families and schools can partner by implementing them into your school setting creating the best environment for students with all types of health needs.

Stay tuned!

  • Hour 1 – Myths and Facts surrounding Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services for Parts B and C (based on recent guidance disseminated by Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) with some touches on Accessible Educational Materials (AEM).
  • Hour 2 -Hands-on with AT in all 10 categories (seating/positioning/mobility, speech/communication, vision, hearing, learning/cognition/development, environmental adaptations, vehicle modifications, daily living, recreation, and computer access)

Summary coming soon!

Saturday, June 29th

What are the core pieces of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and where does the most friction occur for parents and institutions that serve the families.  

Living and thriving after public education. This is open forum Q&A so bring your questions!

Keeping a record of pertinent information can help with school administrators, teachers, and yourself. Learn how to build a one page profile and further the best way to create and maintain you Care Notebook.. 

Your child/student has been identified as in need of tiered intervention (multi-tiered system of support) or specialized instruction (special education), now what? Progress monitoring is an essential tool used to identify if appropriate interventions/services are being implemented with fidelity and how your child/student is responding to them. We will cover the components that are essential for accurate progress monitoring and how to review the data to determine its effectiveness. Our goal for this session will be for participants to have a better understanding of how to evaluate progress monitoring plans and be able to determine if they are effective and targeting your child/student’s specific needs.

Sensory regulation is a crucial process through which our nervous system integrates and adjusts sensory input, enabling us to maintain balance and optimal levels of energy.  When our sensory system is regulated, we can process and integrate sensory input in a way that allows us to navigate the world smoothly. But when there is an excess of sounds to struggle to filter out, cognitive overload from receiving too much information at once, visual chaos, or other sensory triggers, some people’s brains have a harder time managing and processing this input. As a result, they are more prone to sensory overload, which can lead to behavioral meltdowns. In this session, we will help you recognize the impact of sensory overload and develop effective strategies to manage and cope with its effects.

Supporting students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) entails understanding conditions like dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia, which impact reading, writing, and math learning. Effective support includes managing classroom settings, targeted interventions, and personalized assistance such as Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 plans. It also involves planning for transitions between educational levels. In this session, we will delve into the significance of self-advocacy and transitional planning across the grades. We will discuss how students can benefit from Assistive Technology (AT) and Accessible Education Materials (AEM) to enhance learning, foster independence, ease transitions, and support students through higher education and into the workforce.

Keep watching this space for more

Autism is a spectrum and not linear. How do you describe yourself to others? Would you like to better describe your child to someone? Halle Nolen, Neurodiversity Advocate is joined by Aida Romero, School Psychologist to show you how to incorporate spectrum wheels into your daily life. They will provide wheels for you to color and fill out as each section of the wheel is described. Some of the sections include Social Differences, Emotional Regulation, and Executive Function. 

This session will visit several new cases in special education which help instruct persons who are trying to navigate the world of special education, whether your
perspective is that of a parent or professional. Jo Anne will also share tips on navigating the special education process. She will help look at boundaries and barriers that often frustrate parents and schools! Questions are encouraged!

Stay tuned!

What If I Have Questions?

Call us at 877-553-4332 or email us at [email protected] and we can answer any questions.