Speaker Profile

Allyson is a Director for the Oklahoma State University
(OSU) Department of Wellness Sponsored Programs. In her role, she supports
all Accessibility Programs including Oklahoma ABLE Tech, the state’s Assistive
Technology (AT) Act Program, serving individuals of all ages, in all
environments, statewide. Other programs include the Special Education
Resolution Center (SERC) and the Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council
(ORC), which allow for greater support and services to those in
K-12 as well as adults ready for (or currently in) Oklahoma’s
workforce, respectively. Allyson’s role supports OSU’s Student
Accessibility Services as well.
Her background in speech pathology and assistive technology along
with her passion to help people brought her to OSU 13 years ago. For
9 of those, she was also an adjunct lecturer at OSU teaching the Augmentative
and Alternative Communication (AAC) class to graduate students in the
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. She worked previously
for Pawnee Public Schools serving children ages 3-18 with speech and
language needs. Allyson and her husband, Kyle, have three sons, Carter, Callan,
and Conley, and a daughter, Claire.
What If I Have Questions?
Call us at 877-553-4332 or email us at [email protected] and we can answer any questions.