
Why should you take a survey about the services your child received?

Because your opinions matter!

Whether your child is in SoonerStart or in a public school district, one of the best ways to share your opinions with us is to take the appropriate parent or family survey each year. This information is used to guide SoonerStart, districts and the state toward improvement and to recognize areas of accomplishment. Without knowledge of your experience, we cannot identify programs’ areas of weakness and strength.

The survey consists of less than 15 questions and should take you about 10 minutes to complete. Your responses are entirely anonymous. None of the information that could be linked to you will ever be shared with SoonerStart, district or school personnel. Your participation is voluntary, and you can stop the survey at any time (though we really appreciate complete surveys!).

The surveys are a collaborative effort of the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s Special Education Services (OSDE-SES), the Oklahoma Parents Center (OPC), and the Technical Assistance for Excellence in Special Education (TAESE). The responses are collected in alignment with federal regulations and are reported collectively to districts, SoonerStart offices, and the U.S. Dept. of Education. Districts and SoonerStart sites can use this information to improve parent and family engagement in service design and provision.

Which survey should you take?

Oklahoma SoonerStart logo
If your child is younger than three or has received services in the last 3 months, the SoonerStart Family Survey asks for your feedback about the quality of the SoonerStart program.

SoonerStart Family Survey – Birth to 3 years old
(Familias SoonerStart –  Nacimiento hasta los 3 años de edad)

Oklahoma Department of Education logo

If your child is three or older, the Parent Survey for Special Education Services asks for your feedback on the quality of support schools and IEP team members have provided you throughout the IEP process.

Parent Survey for Special Education Services – Ages 3 through 21
(Familias de la escuela – niños de 3 a 21)

Para acceder a la encuesta en español, seleccione Español en el menú desplegable en la esquina superior derecha de la encuesta en línea.

Survey Brochures

Hard copies of the surveys can be downloaded by clicking the links below:

SoonerStart sites may request additional Family Survey Brochures in English and Spanish by completing the form below:

To order additional Parent Survey brochures, please call 435-797-9009.


Please encourage your parents or other primary caregivers to respond to the annual parent survey (one response per child, per year). How can you receive more parent responses? The most successful districts do the following:

  • Give parents a brochure at the beginning of the IEP meeting.
  • Offer a way for parents to respond immediately at the end of the meeting.
    • Provide a laptop or tablet, open to the link for the survey.
    • Provide a phone with the number ready (435-797-9009); and/or
    • Provide a paper copy of the survey. If you do this, you must also:
      • Provide a sealable envelope to protect the privacy of parents’ responses, and
      • Mail the survey to the address provided below.

The Center for Technical Assistance for Excellence in Special Education
Utah State University
6800 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322

  • Leave the room or move across the room, to provide the parents privacy.

NOTE: Districts… make sure you are using the most up to date version of the paper survey. TAESE is no longer accepting old surveys and they will not be counted.