
Welcome to the online trainings/videos page for the Oklahoma Parents Center (OPC). We realize that you are not always available to attend our live trainings and webinars, so we have created a page where you can access online trainings/videos that you can watch at your convenience!

Some of these will be provided by the OPC, but others may be from our trusted partner organizations. You will be asked to fill out a brief registration to access the videos. Please be assured that your information will never be shared!


The More You Know with M&M: Super 6 | Series 1 **En Ingles y Español!**

This training will introduce the first two principles of The Super 6 Guidebook: Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and Appropriate Evaluation. FAPE ensures that every eligible child with a disability receives special education and is entitled to a free appropriate public education, even in cases of suspension or expulsion. Appropriate evaluation is a right for all children with disabilities who require special education and related services. This ensures that they are identified, located, and evaluated at no cost to their families.

Español: Esta capacitación presentará los primeros dos principios del Guía de los Super 6:  Educación Gratis, Pública y Apropiada (FAPE) y Evaluación Apropiada.  FAPE asegura que cada niño elegible, con una discapacidad, recibe educación especial y tiene derecho a una educación gratis, apropiada y pública, aún en casos de suspensión o expulsión.  Evaluación apropiada es el derecho de cualquier niño con discapacidades que requieran educación especial y servicios relacionados.  Esto segura que son identificados, localizados y evaluados sin costo a sus familias.

February 2025

The training sessions will be held on / Las sesiones :

  • Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 at 1pm

Scan the QR code

or CLICK HERE to register for the February 12th, 2025 training!

Questions? Email Melissa at [email protected]

¿Preguntas? Correo electrónico Mary Helen at [email protected]

Connecting the Dots of Early Intervention Services & Special Education

This training will establish the connection between Early Intervention Services and Special Education Services. We will explore what an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) entails in Early Intervention and what is included in a Preschool and Public School Individualized Education Program (IEP). Additionally, we will share best practices for advocacy and outline parental rights under Special Education.

February 2025

The training sessions will be held on:

  • Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 at 1pm


Click here to register for the training!

March 2025

The training sessions will be held on:

  • Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 at 1pm


Click here to register for the training!

April 2025

The training sessions will be held on:

  • Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025 at 1pm


Click here to register for the training!

Questions? Email Melissa at [email protected]

Understanding the Differences: IEPs vs 504s

We will share a brief history lesson on U.S. Disability Laws. Then go into detail regarding the differences and similarities of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)

February 2025

The training sessions will be held on:

  • Thursday, February 13th, 2025 at 1pm
  • Thursday, February 27th, 2025 at 1pm


Click here to register for the 02/13/25 training!

Click here to register for the 02/27/25 training!

March 2025

The training sessions will be held on:

  • Thursday, March 13th, 2025 at 1pm
  • Thursday, March 27th, 2025 at 1pm


Click here to register for the 03/13/25 training!

Click here to register for the 03/27/25 training!

Questions? Email Lauren at [email protected] or Jennifer at [email protected]

Introduction to Work for Youth with Disabilities and their Families

(on-demand video available 24/7)

The purpose of this four-part training is to introduce work to youth with disabilities and their families. Many families/caregivers of youth with disabilities are unaware of skills that youth and young adults need in order to be successfully employed, and the laws that are available to ensure the youth’s rights are protected. Employment for youth and young adults with disabilities is very low (19% in 2021), and one explanation for this low employment rate may be a lack of skills necessary for available jobs.

This first part of the training examines the family and education’s role in supporting youth to acquire appropriate work and career ready skills. The second part of the training provides an overview of laws that support youth with disabilities and career readiness. The third part of the training introduces the participants to the Independent Futures that Work! project resource, “Working Independently, Here We Come!” Checklist and the work and career readiness skills identified on this resource. Lastly, the fourth part of the training provides an overview of resources available to support the development of the skills identified on the checklist.

Format: On-demand video (must register to gain access)
Length: 4 part series, 1 hour 53 minutes total
Target audience: Youth, Parents, Professionals
Click to Register:

Behavior Management Strategies for Families

(on-demand video available 24/7)

Children do not come with an instruction manual,
and even if they did, who would have the time to read it?! 

As parents, we often feel as if we are stumbling through our day wondering if we are making the right decisions.  It seems as if everyone has an opinion about your child’s challenging behavior but no one has an answer.

In this video, you will learn a few tips, techniques, and strategies to prevent and address common challenging behaviors as well as increase your confidence in your parenting skills.  It isn’t the complete answer, but it will provide some quick and easy strategies for everyday use that actually work!  Are you ready for a change?

ABOUT THE PRESENTER:  Dr. Mary Ann Shepherd specializes in working with children with Autism and Pediatric Developmental Disabilities utilizing the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis.  Dr. Shepherd completed an internship at The May Institute School for Autism and Developmental Disabilities, as well as, the School for Brain Injury and Related Disorders. Following her internship at The May Institute, Dr. Shepherd completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship through the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in the Pediatric Developmental Disabilities Clinic in Baltimore, Maryland.

In addition to the doctoral training in school psychology, Dr. Shepherd is a Licensed Health Service Provider in the State of Oklahoma, is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, and is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist.  Currently, Dr. Shepherd provides consultation and training to school districts and families in Oklahoma regarding the development and implementation of function-based interventions utilizing ABA principles to reduce behavioral disruptions in the classroom and increase skill deficits.

Format:  On-demand video (must register to gain access)
Length:  46 minutes
Target audience:  Parents
Click to Register:



An Oklahoma mom shares her story of navigating the “Distance Learning” model with her children

(on-demand video available 24/7)

Melanie Berry, a wife, mother of four, and full-time employee. Melanie had to accept the responsibility of assisting her children with learning disabilities through their school district’s “distance learning model”. There have been good days and some bad days too. Listen to her story as you may find it relatable and receive some good advice.

Format: On-demand video (must register to gain access)
Length: 14 minutes
Target audience: Parents
Click to Register:

Increasing Student Involvement in IEP & Transition Planning

This presentation discussed how to get your student more involved in their IEP and transition planning process and how self-advocacy will impact students’ future outcomes. Students gain critical skills they will use in employment and further education settings all through adult life. 
Handout (pdf)

Format:  On-demand video (must register to gain access)
49 minutes
Target audience:
Parents, Professionals
Click to Register:

All About SERC

(on-demand video available 24/7)

Learn how the Special Education Resolution Center (SERC) can help your school district resolve conflicts!  In this webinar, SERC Program Manager Jo Anne Blades explains the purpose and role of SERC, more about the programs it provides as well as how to access those programs.

Format:  On-demand video (must register to gain access)
Length:  28 minutes
Target audience:  School Districts, Parents, Professionals
Click to Register:

The Best Me I Can Be

(on-demand video available 24/7)

The Best Me I Can Be is a film that highlights the efforts of DC students, parents, and schools to increase the involvement of youth with disabilities in their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and prepare them to take a more active role in planning for their futures.

This film shows how involving students in the IEP process increases student engagement, empowers students to achieve their goals, and prepares youth to successfully transition to adulthood.  This is a project of the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education, the District of Columbia’s state education agency.

Format:  On-demand video (must register to gain access)
Length:  43 minutes
Target audience: Youth, Parents
Click to Register:

Transitioning to College with a Disability

(on-demand video available 24/7)

College can be a challenging undertaking. This video features two students with learning disabilities. It explains how accommodations can be different in college compared to what students have in high school. It describes how one discloses a disability at the college level including the importance of knowing what the disability is, how it impacts the student, and what accommodations have worked well in the past. Additionally it stresses the importance of long term planning, online searching, and on campus visits.

Format:  On-demand (must register to gain access)
Length:  5 minutes
Target audience: Youth, Parents
How to Register:

Deep Reading and the Digital Culture

What is happening to the reading brain as it unavoidably changes to adapt to digital mediums in this age of technology? 

The pros and cons of different mediums (particularly print vs screen) will be described by Dr. Maryanne Wolf, with their implications for the preservation of deep reading processes. Throughout the years, as we have become increasingly dependent upon digital media, she has studied, reflected, written, and spoken widely and passionately throughout the world on the implications of the possible atrophy of these important human processes for the individual reader and for democracy as a whole. While giving us food for thought, Dr. Wolf will inspire us, provide some helpful suggestions, and leave us with hope, even during this time of high technology. 

Format:  On-demand (must register to gain access)
2 hours
Target audience:
Parents, Professionals
How to Register:

Assistive Technology

What is Assistive Technology? Assistive Technology (AT) is any item, device, or piece of equipment used to maintain or improve the functionality of people with

Oklahoma Partners

The Oklahoma Parents Center (OPC) recognizes the multiple partners in many of the communities across the state. These partners are able to help Oklahomans with

Tools and Resources

  The Independent Futures that Work! project is a joint effort of the Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma,