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Oklahoma ABLE Tech AT News 

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ABLE Tech’s goal is to make the process easier for those who are searching for ways to fund assistive technology devices and services.  Therefore, they have just release the 8th edition of OK Funding for AT!  It is now available free online at:


Oklahoma Deaf-Blind Technical Assistance Project

The Oklahoma Deaf-Blind Technical Assistance Project is a service targeting children and youth who have a loss in both vision and hearing.  The child does not have to be completely deaf and completely blind to qualify – they must have a loss in vision and a loss in hearing.  The project services are free.

Below is detailed information about their services.  If you suspect a child has losses in vision and hearing or the child has a diagnosis listed on the referral form, please refer them to the Oklahoma Deaf-Blind TA Project.

 Why is it important to refer children to the Oklahoma Deaf-Blind TA Project:

  • Early identification is crucial for later success.
  • Children with losses in vision and in hearing have unique characteristics that require special strategies and techniques.
  • This project is the only entity devoted to serving children with deaf-blindness.
  • Maintain statewide census of children with deaf-blindness to improve services.

Here’s what the Oklahoma Deaf-Blind Project can offer you at no cost: 

  • Information individualized for the child
  • 1:1 support from project staff and families
  • State and National resources
  • Visits to the child’s home or school
  • Notifications of free professional development opportunities

How to refer: 

How to Contact:

Lisa Lawter, Ph.D.
Project Director
Oklahoma Deaf-Blind TA Project
University of Oklahoma
Department of Educational Psychology
820 Van Vleet Oval, Room 321
Norman, OK  73019
405.325.6655 fax

  • Visit their website at
  • Friend them on Facebook at Oklahoma Deaf-Blind Technical Assistance Project
  • Follow them on Twitter at @OKDBTAP.

“Just In Time” Tool

There is a new hearing-related resource for families that was shared with ABLE Tech through the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Transition Council. It’s called the  “Just in Time” tool [PDF] and it contains the most essential resources identified by both families and professionals to address hearing-related needs. This tool is designed for broad-based family organizations, such as Family Voices and Parent Training and Information Centers. Additionally, it can be useful for primary care providers and early interventionists to connect families with D/HH essential resources. A Spanish version is available at