What is Oklahoma Parents Center?

The Oklahoma Parents Center is the statewide parent training and information (PTI) center serving parents of children with disabilities. Our goal is to educate and support parents, families and professionals in building partnerships that meet the needs of children and youth with the full range of disabilities ages birth to 26. We are a regionalized model with staff living in the area that they serve.


INDIVIDUAL CAREER ACADEMIC PLANNING (ICAP) The term ICAP refers to both a process that helps students engage in academic andcareer development activities and a product

Transition Resources that Work!

Independent Futures that Work (IFTW) is designed to help in the successful transition of youth and young adults from high school into the next stage

Juvenile Justice in Oklahoma

Just like anyone else, youth with disabilities can come into contact with the criminal justice system. In Oklahoma, the Office of Juvenile Affairs (OJA) is