Special Education Resolution Center

The Special Education Resolution Center (SERC) offers innovative programs that assist school districts and parents in settling disputes regarding the Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) of students with disabilities. The programs are provided at no cost through a partnership with the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

SERC Programs and Services

CheckmarkIEP Facilitation

If your situtation qualifies and all parties consent, SERC will provide a highly-trained facilitator to attend an IEP meeting and help guide the discussion in a structured setting. The facilitator works on behalf of all parties to help come to a mutual agreement on a student’s education program.  >>Learn More


Mediation is an agreement-reaching process in which SERC will provide a highly-trained mediator to assist all consenting parties in resolving their dispute in a collaborative and informed manner.  >>Learn More

CheckmarkDue Process Hearing

A due process hearing is a court-like review process governed by administrative laws. SERC will provide a highly-trained hearing officer who will preside over the hearing; the hearing officer’s decisions have the effect of law and are binding upon the participating parties.  >>Learn More

CheckmarkStakeholder Training

SERC provides training to school districts and parents in Engaging in Challenging Conversations. The training teaches the participants to focus on Mutual Purpose and develop skills for effective Collaboration.  >>Learn More

Contact Us

Special Education Resolution Center
9726 E. 42nd Street, Suite 203  |  Tulsa, OK 74146
Phone: 918.270-1849 or 888.267.0028
Fax: 918.270.2062
Website: http://serc.okstate.edu


Welcome to the online trainings/videos page for the Oklahoma Parents Center (OPC). We realize that you are not always available to attend our live trainings

Resources for Distance Learning

Updated Friday, April 24, 2020 What is distance learning? Distance learning is any method of learning that happens outside the traditional school building. The approach

Due Process

A due process hearing is a court-like review process governed by administrative laws.  A due process complaint is a filing by an individual (such as a