How You can Help!

The Oklahoma Parents Center provides training to all families of children and youth in Oklahoma and the providers who service and support them. In order to effectively advocate for children, detailed information is needed on the laws, communication, team building skills, etc. Ongoing training opportunities for all parents and professionals can assist in this process. Click on the TRAINING tab to find a list of workshops that are available to groups and organizations upon request. They are two hours long unless otherwise specified.


Welcome to the online trainings/videos page for the Oklahoma Parents Center (OPC). We realize that you are not always available to attend our live trainings

Resources for Distance Learning

Updated Friday, April 24, 2020 What is distance learning? Distance learning is any method of learning that happens outside the traditional school building. The approach

Due Process

A due process hearing is a court-like review process governed by administrative laws.  A due process complaint is a filing by an individual (such as a